Steve Rossi 1932 – 2014

Goodbye Steve


Steve Rossi passed away peacefully at 1:50 pm on Sunday, June 22, 2014.  He was surrounded by family and friends. His dear wife Karma held his hand as he left this world. Steve was at peace.  We choose to remember Steve for the bold wonderful life he lived, rather than the illness that brought his exit. steve and karma

What Steve wanted everyone to know is that he loves them.

Steve loved Las Vegas. He could have lived anywhere in the whole wide world, and certainly had the offers – Vegas was his home.

Steve loved his many dear performers throughout Las Vegas. He always made time to see not only the big acts, but the small acts too.  Steve performed  up until 6 weeks before he passed away. His last large audience was a full room at the LVH on February 28th. He sang his last song at Piero’s with Pia Zadora before he got sick.

His family does see his many tributes on social media and the kind thoughts do warm our hearts.

Steve’s family thanks the Infinity Hospice Care team for the wonderful care and support they offered at this difficult time. His room was a beautiful restful space for everyone to say their final farewell. Care was taken to ensure Steve had tremendous dignity in his final days. Steve believed in hospice care and made this choice for himself. We hope that his courage to be public about this decision offers some hope to other families one day faced with this choice.

Steve’s final arrangements are with Kraft Sussman funeral home of Las Vegas.  We extend our gratitude for their efforts to work with him while he was still here to plan for his services.  Tentatively his services will be held on Friday, June 27th in Las Vegas. Final arrangements once they are made will be posted.

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